dezembro 01, 2010

What is your favorite color? What Does True Color Mean?

"The colors truly have an impact on our lives, often in unconscious and mysterious ways. Color can relieve tension and stress."

Orange represents energy, consuming physiological potency, power, and strength. Orange is the expression of vital force, of nervous and glandular activity. Thus, it has the meaning of desire and all forms of appetite and craving. Those with Orange as a Primary Color feel the will to achieve results, to win, to be successful. They desire all things that offer intense living and full experience.
Orange generates an impulse toward active doing: sport, struggle, competition and enterprising productivity. In temporal terms, Orange is the present.

is the body's natural perceptions. It represents a need to be responsible, to fulfill duties and obligations, to organize and structure our life and that of others. Those with Gold as a Primary Color value being practical and sensible. They believe that people should earn their way in life through work and service to others.

Gold reflects a need to belong through carrying a share of the load in all areas of living. It represents stability, maintenance of the culture and the organization, efficiency, and dependability. It embraces the concepts of home and family with fierce loyalty and faithfulness.

Green expresses itself psychologically as human will in operation: as persistence and determination. Green is an expression of firmness and consistency. Its strength can lead to a resistance to change if it is not proven that the change will work or is warranted. Those with Green as a Primary Color value their intellect and capabilities above all else. Comfort in these areas creates a sense of personal security and self-esteem.

Green characteristics seek to increase the certainty of their own values through being assertive and requiring differences from others in intellectual areas. They are rarely settled in their countenance, since they depend upon information rather than feelings to create a sense of well-being. Green expresses the grounding of theory and data in its practical applications and creative constructs.

Blue represents calm. Contemplation of this color pacifies the central nervous system. It creates physiological tranquility and psychological contentment. Those with Blue as a Primary Color value balance and harmony. They prefer lives free from tension... settled, united, and secure.
Blue represents loyalty and a sense of belonging, and yet, when friends are involved, a vulnerability. Blue corresponds to depth in feeling and a relaxed sensitivity. It is characterized by empathy, aesthetic experiences, and reflective awareness.

Read the text and answer:

1)      Qual cor representa a calma, lealdade e consciência reflexiva?

2)      Qual alternativa está correta com relação ao texto?

a)      Contemplar a cor verde, cria uma tranqüilidade psicológica.
b)      A cor azul expressa a base da teoria e informação em suas aplicações práticas.
c)      A cor dourada abrange os conceitos de lar e da família com a feroz lealdade e fidelidade.
      d)   A cor verde gera um impulso aos esportes e competições

      3) Qual cor é  caracterizada pela empatia, experiências estéticas, e a consciência reflexiva?

      4) Como você poderia traduzir :
        "Those with Green as a Primary Color value their intellect and capabilities above all else".

The importance of speaking another language!

This video shows exactly the importance of knowing how to communicate in other languages...It can save your life!!!